Friday, December 28, 2007

Professional Protester, Palestinian-Style

he names are coming in—Earlier bloggers called him "Hand Gesture Man," and LGF'ers seem to prefer "Rageman" (Leaps over "apartheid" barriers at a mile a minute?). Aussie Dave made me laugh the hardest, though, with his suggestion: Hairstyle Man. Don't mess with the power of mousse, man!

Wow, there are some nice high-resolution photographs, many of which I haven't seen in the Getty archives, over at Dutch blog Geenstijl.

It's OFFICIAL: the Photoshop Contest is on!

I actually posted it not for the article but for the racist ignorant comments that these pro-israelis are posting, as well as my rebuttal to their comments.

When reading it look for tr1gg3r's commecnts :)
Click here to view full article

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Chomsky vs. Dershowitz [VIDEO]

Despite impressive scholarly chops, flawless references and an international reputation Alan Dershowitz has been lobbying -- successfully, thus far -- to prevent Political Science prof. Norman Finkelstein from getting tenure at Depaul University.

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Facebook emerges as venue for Israel/Palestine debate

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has flared up on the social networking Web site Facebook, with more than 13,000 users participating in the Palestine network and nearly 80,000 users engaged in the Israel network. Both networks are open to users worldwide.

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Pakistan' Benazir Bhutto killed by suicide bomber

At the time of submitting - news coming in that Benazir Bhutto has been killed by suicide bomber. At least 10 other people also killed at the same time.

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It's Time to Legalize Drugs

Rhetoric should not be driving drug policy. Legalization would strip addiction down to what it really is: a health issue.

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Evil Bastards!

This is a story about the pathetic attempt of the Palestinians to govern in what remains of their territories. A story about Israeli arrogance and a terrifyingly quick trigger finger. A story about our disdain for Palestinian lives.

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